A/ Oh definitely a suspender belt, security you know. Well hold ups can be affected by atmosphere and body conditions so if I was a little nervous I would sweat more and the holdies might slip. I would probably wear a pretty dress which shows off my figure but isn't too revealing. Anyway sexiness is a state of mind not what one is wearing.
Q/ In several answers in Q and A, you writed you wear panty every day and you can't imagine go out without panty. So my question is : why this is not possible, what is the barrier ? isn'it the ultimate exhibitionnisme attitude ?
A/ Yes I suppose nudity is the ultimate exhibitionism but I prefer to flash my lingerie. I suppose it comes from my childhood and flashing my panties to the boys in school. The thing is I do this purely to please myself and nudity doesn't really do it for me.
Q/ Mandi, as your email address is published on your blog, do you get many people sending you pictures of themselves. A blog I looked at recently, the lady encouraged men to send in what she called tribute pictures. Do you ever receive any of these.
A/ Yes I get lots of pictures and lots of the tribute kinds. I think it is very brave and very sweet of people to want to share that with me. Actually most people who do send me pictures ae very polite and very respectful and more often than not ask my permission before sending them to me.
Q/ Don't remember seeing you in any RHTstockings, do you ever wear them and if so can we see a video of you wearing them please?
A/ Yes I'm sure I have done a video of me in RHT's. I suppose I should do another one soon eh?
Q/ One of your earlier blogs shows you sitting on some lucky guy, do you enjoy face-sitting and have you done any vids on it
A/ Yes I remember that video, it was a bit of fun. Yes I have enjoyed some face sitting. Haven't really thought about doing videos in that direction really. The morning videos being fly on the wall don't take up too much time or need too much direction.
Q/ do you use your wonderful teasing techniques in your relationships
A/ Oh yes indeed. I think it is 95% of the fun :)
Q/what are you views on trampling?
A/ Oh it can be great fun for both parties.
Q/ Some of your earlier blogs were more revealing, and wonderfully sexy have you toned down deliberately.
A/ Have they been toned down? I can't say I have noticed. If pressed I would have said they have become more revealing. It's interesting to hear another take on that.
Q/ Do you know if your work colleagues know about your videos?
A/ No I'm pretty sure none of them suspect.
Q/ Are you ever around the city centre? Lunch times etc.
A/ Sometimes yes. Especially on a Friday but I have occasional business in town mid week
Q/ Have you ever flashed with another girl?
A/ Yes a girlfriend and I once flashed in a busy shoe shop to a man who was in with his teenage daughter. We caught him watching us try on shoes and decided to have a bit of fun. He was rather shocked when he discovered we were doing it deliberately, but I think he enjoyed it greatly.
Q/ Have you ever set up a flashing session for admirers, or is it a spontaneous thing?
A/ Purely spontaneous.
Q/ Do you prefer nudity or lingerie?
A/ Lingerie every time. A little left to the imagination goes a long way in my opinion.