Monday, 31 January 2011

Morning Y'all

I've had such a busy weekend it's almost a relief to get back to work. I had my sister and her youngsters down for the weekend. Which was wonderful but hard work. I had forgotten how much work it is keeping youngsters entertained. Though to be fair they are very well behaved kids but still needed a lot of input.

Today I'm stuck in the office today which will be a terrible shame if the weather turn as lovely as it was yesterday. Heyho them's the breaks.

I'm wearing navy & white polka dot bra, panties and suspender belt set, RHT natural an stockings from Levante in 10d, navy underskirt, navy & white polka dot chiffon dress , navy lace cardigan which ties at the front and black brogue style high heels.

Hope y'all have a nice easy Monday.

Catch you later.

Mandi x

Friday, 28 January 2011

Friday and you know ...

... what that means. Seams. I've come to realise that my bloggers are creatures of habit and what kind of blog hostess would I be if I didn't pander to you once every so often :)

Today I am wearing contrasting seams, something I've had really good comments on in the past. They are accompanied by black underwear: suspender belt, bra and panties. Black cracked leather court shoes, a black sleeveless sheer blouse and a rather fetching black skirt with blue detailing with blue cardy to match.

I know today is Q&A day and I've just had about enough time to answer most of your questions. However I haven't managed to put it all together yet in blog format so it might be a little later in going up today. Usually on Q&A day I like to get it out by lunchtime but I can't see that happening today. Be patient blog fans as it will go up today at some point.

Until then, have a great Friday.

Mandi x

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Silvery Light

Isn't it pretty when the world is bathed in silver light? I know lots of people suffer from S.A.D during the winter but I actually quite like it, though not as much as Autumn. I do like this kind of morning light though. I also love the appearance of the first little snowdrops. I pass a well tended garden on my walk to work and it is very encouraging to see these little flowers bravely appear through the frozen ground.

This morning I'm out and about so I'm wearing a lower heel to accommodate the amount of walking that will be involved. I'm off this afternoon as I'm having an estate agent over to give me an idea what I can expect for my flat and what I need to do to bring it up to marketing standards. Time to downsize you see. I'm looking forward to listening to all the 'estate agent speak' without laughing. Now there's a challenge.

I'm wearing white bra, white lace panties, nude hold ups in 10d from Morrisons, black & white jersey knit dress, black court shoes with strap detail.

I hope y'all have a good day.

Catch you later.

Mandi x

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Morning Stockings Fans

Thank Goodness I don't drink whisky as my tipple of choice. I had a few double malts last evening with the haggis and I feel a little headachy this morning.I think in future I'll be sticking to my beer or wine. Hard liquor is just too much for me even though I only had two.

I'm out and about today so I'm hoping those rather threatening clouds disappear before I have to go out. I'll have to wear a raincoat and take my brolly with me as I don't see it staying dry. I suppose those little snowdrops I saw yesterday need the water.

Today I'm wearing Taupe long-line bra and panties set, Nude hold ups from Jasper Conran in 10d, white half slip, brown cotton skirt with circle pattern, pink shirt and brown and pink high heeled leather court shoes.

Hope y'all have a good day.

Catch you later.

Mandi x

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Happy Rabbie Burns Day

Did you know that he never called himself Robbie or Rabbie? He preferred Rab as a diminutive but tended towards the more formal Robert.? "A man's a man for 'A that'. So it'll be haggis for dinner tonight. Yum.

Today I'm wearing white bra and panties, black hold ups with patterned welts, black and white skirt, white jumper and black and white 5" heeled court shoes.

Is there for honest Poverty
That hings his head, an' a' that;
The coward slave-we pass him by,
We dare be poor for a' that!
For a' that, an' a' that.
Our toils obscure an' a' that,
The rank is but the guinea's stamp,
The Man's the gowd for a' that.

Have a guid day 'abody.

Mandi x

Monday, 24 January 2011


Good Morning y'all. Another working week is about to begin. We are heading towards the end of the month already. As I didn't do a Q & A at the end of December I expect y'all will have lots to ask this month. So get your questions off to the usual address I'll post the answers on Friday.

Today I'm wearing white cotton bra and thong set, nude hold ups from M&S in 10d, black skirt with green motif, green silky blouse and high heeled green leather patent court shoes.

Have a good Monday y'all and I'll catch you later.

Mandi x

Friday, 21 January 2011

Friday already

and of course that means seams eh? I'm so glad I finish early today. It has been a long busy week and I am certainly looking forward to relaxing over the weekend. I'm not even taking a scrap of paperwork home with me this week. No siree I'm having a proper relaxing weekend.

I'm off to the Cinema tonight. Going to see 'The Kings Speech'. I'm hoping it lives up to the reviews and the plaudits it has received. A large salted popcorn, a beer and I'll be all set. It's been an age since I went to the cinema and even longer since I went without kids in tow. So I'm looking forward to it.

Today I'm wearing white bra with brown lace, brown lace panties, white six strap suspender belt, vintage seams circa 1959/60 in 7d, khaki pencil skirt, khaki cardigan, leopard print scarf and leopard print high heeled pumps.

Hope y'all have a really easy Friday at work and an enjoyable and relaxing weekend.

Catch y'all later.

Mandi x

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Misty Mornings

Looks very cold outside this morning. We've been little spoiled this week with the milder weather but we knew that wasn't going to last. Though I'd expected torrential rain as opposed to a cold, misty morning. It'll give me a chance to wear my nice new brown tweed coat.

Today I'm out and about in the morning then bogged down in meetings all afternoon. I'm finishing early as I have a standard health check procedure booked for 4pm. Women have come a long way since my mother died of breast cancer in the late 60's in monitoring our health. I'm on a programme which means 3 yearly mammograms because of my family history.

Still enough of the serious chat and on with the point of this blog. Today I'm wearing peach chiffon bra and French knickers set from La Senza, Brown RHT vintage style stockings in 15d, black six strap suspender belt, brown and turquoise patterned dress and brown suede court shoes.

I hope y'all have a really good day. I'll catch you later.

Mandi x

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Hi y'all

An early night last night for me and I slept like the proverbial. I was very busy yesterday so didn't have a minute to myself let alone a moment to worry about being tired. This dreadful flu that is doing the rounds seems to have settled nicely into my workplace. I used up all the anti bacterial wipes making sure all the work stations and phones I had to work at were clean. Sound a bit obsessive don't I? hee hee.

Today I have to go out and about despite having shuffled my appointments and managing to get some to agree to come into the office. However there are a few who just aren't fit to do so. I hope it turns out as dry and bright as it did yesterday afternoon.

Today I'm wearing black lacy bra and panties set, black hold ups from la Senza in 10d, black jersey wool dress with a chiffon checked bodice, black patent leather sling back high heels.

I hope y'all have a good day and I'll catch you later.

Mandi x

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Good Morning

I'm very tired this morning as I had a friend over to tea and it ended up quite a late night. Should really know better on a school night but here I am yawning my head off. I need a pair of those 'wide awake' glasses they sell in joke shops to allow me to cat nap at my desk.

I'm office bound again today so at least I'll not have to find the energy to do a walk about. Small mercies. Though perhaps a walk in the fresh air is exactly what I need. Hopefully the short walk to work will blow the cobwebs away.

Today I'm wearing black and green bra and panties, black six strap suspender belt, barely black soft touch nylons from Jasper Conran in 10d, black and turquoise dress and a pair of high heeled black ankle strap shoes.

Have a good day y'al and I'll catch you later

Monday, 17 January 2011

Monday, Monday

comes around real quick eh? I had a lovely weekend. Went to The Stand on Friday for some comedy then off for a curry before heading home. Saturday I had friends over to eat so it has been a very relaxing weekend and I think I'm ready for the working week ahead.

We are very busy in work at the moment as we are a little short staffed. So I expect I will be chained to a desk all day. Oh well that's what they pay me the film star wages for :) hah!

Today I'm wearing pink bra and panties, eight strap white suspender belt, Trasparenze signature stockings in 10d, black dress with pink flowers on, pink tie front cardigan and 5" heeled pink pumps.

Hope y'all have a good Monday. Catch you later

Mandi x

Friday, 14 January 2011

That Friday Feeling

Don't you just love Fridays? Knowing you have the weekend all to yourself to do as you please always brightens the spirits. Well it does mines.

I'm out and about again today so I'm wearing my boots as yesterday turned quite cold. I finish early today as usual so into town to do some shopping then meeting friends at 2pm for afternoon tea. No doubt we will sit there moaning about the weight we have gained over christmas while stuffing our faces with dainty sandwiches and cream cakes :)

Today I'm wearing red bra and panties set, black opaque stockings with a red welt, black 5" heeled boots and a red wool dress.

red dress
Uploaded by sexystockingslady. - .

Hope y'all have a good Friday and a great weekend

Mandi x

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Good Morning blog fans

What a dark, dreary morning. Today looks exactly how we expect early January to be like. I suppose it is because of the anti climax of returning to work after the festive break. Whatever the reason it sure does look depressingly dark outside.

Today I'm out and about so I am wearing good walking shoes. I have quite a busy morning ahead of me and that's the way I like it. Well the day passes so much more quickly when you are flat out.

I'm wearing white bra and panties, white six strap suspender with rose panelled front, brown stockings in 10d, brown polka dot button through dress, brown cardigan and brown suede court shoes

Hope y'all have a really good day

Mandi x

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Good Morning

A little later than usual this morning. My youngest son and I had the morning off to visit with the dentist. He got the all clear but poor me had to have a filling..booo! My mouth is still a little numb. Still that's me for another 6 months. I'm in the wrong profession. I should have been a dentist and been a wealthy as Donald Trump. The charges for a simple filling is disgraceful.

I'm back to work after lunch time. I'll drop the wee fellow off at school first. Then back to the grindstone for me. It was all very relaxed this morning but as my youngest was round there was no hallway walk. So I've mixed it up a little.

Today I'm wearing purple bra and panties, lilac slip, nude hold ups in 10d from BHS, purple & back dress and purple high heeled pumps.

Hope y'all enjoyed the little changes to today's video. Have good day and I'll catch y'all later.

Mandi x

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Morning y'all

All the Christmas decorations are down now and the square where I work is looking very depressed. It's always sad to see the city returned to dullness. Not that I would want fairy lights up all year round as it would take the magic out of Christmas. Still the walk to work isn't as much fun when you don't have the windows to admire and play spot who has gone OTT.

Today I'm wearing a black satin thong, black push up bra, black six strap suspender belt with silver flower detail, black opaque stockings with silver flower detail on the welt, black plain slip, black and red dress, black cardigan and black leather shoes with strap detail.

Hope y'all have a lovely day and I'll catch you later

Mandi x

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Internet problems

have kept me busy since Thursday afternoon. Tsk! what a to do trying to change network providers. It was suppose to be a smooth transition and ended up marathon sessions on the telephone. We've become very dependant on having access to the internet( well I have), and in such a short space of time too, relatively speaking. Oh well I got it all sorted out so no sense in moaning about it now. It meant I wasn't able to do my blog on Friday. So I had a bath in the morning instead of a shower and pampered myself with the extra time it afforded me.

Hopefully we an get back to regular weekday entries now with no further hiccough's. Today I'm wearing French navy lace bra & panties set, black hold-ups in 10d, black 4" heeled brogues, black satin pencil skirt and a blue & turquoise crossover blouse.

Have a good day y'all and I'll catch you later.

Mandi x

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Morning stockings fans

Another nice dry morning though the dark clouds are gathering in the distance. So I'll pack a brolly this morning. Had an early start as I had to take my daughter out to the airport. still I managed to film myself getting dressed while she was in the shower. I was very good at the airport and didn't shed a tear till after she was airborne. Not even when they charged us £40 for an extra 4kilos. Greedy beggars.

Today I'm in the office all day. Have a lot to be getting on with so no doubt the day will fly past. I'm wearing a black lace bra and panties set, black six strap suspender belt, black wiggle dress in jersey wool, nude stockings in 10 with a small welt, black patent leather court shoes with a 4" heel.

Uploaded by sexystockingslady. -

Have a good day y'all and I'll catch you later

Mandi x

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Happy New Year

The tinsel and the glitter has been put away for another year and it's back to work today. Doesn't it all pass too quickly? Well at least I had sense enough to book some flexi time this morning. So I don't start till 10.30 It has meant a nice leisurely breakfast for a change.

It's a glorious morning. Pale sunshine breaking through the clouds. I'm so glad its not a grey day. The place looks bad enough without the glamorous dressings of Christmas. I had such a lovely family holiday I didn't want it to end. Ah well back to the routine.

Today I'm wearing sunshine yellow cotton bra and panties, black 'n' silver six strap suspender belt, brown opaque stockings, brown high heeled stiletto boot, black and cream full slip and a leopard print dress.

Mandi returns
Uploaded by sexystockingslady.

I hope y'all had a wonderful time over the festive break. I wish y'all good health and peace in 2011.

Catch y'all later

Mandi x