Saturday 18 September 2010

Follow on pics

from Fridays outfit. Just a wee taster the rest of them are on flickr, as they say on the internet "fill yer boots"... :)

Have a good weekend y'all and I'll catch you later.

Mandi x


  1. Very, Very sexy!!!Particularly pic 1 showing your gorgeous boobs and pic 2 (left) giving a tantalising glimp of your sexy legs and bare flesh. Thank you Jx

  2. Saw the others on flickr, and, along with these, have made my weekend!

    Thank you for giving the lovely top half its fair share of screen time!


  3. Absolutely stunning photos, Mandi!

    I love seeing all the details in close up, such a treat.

    You are awesome!


  4. Monday never arrives...

  5. Hi J, I like pic #1 best too. We have the same great taste :) cheers

    Hey G,high praise indeed saying I made your weekend. Thank you for that much appreciated.

    Hiya Paul. the stills are great for detail, I so agree with you. Thank you for the lovely compliments.

    JZB, no, no Monday arives too quickly. :)

    Mandi x

  6. Good to see some pics up Mandi. I know Flickr is your photo repository but its always good to see them on here too. As I intimated last week, that outtfit is one of the sexiest I have seen you wear.

    Unfortunately you are right about Monday arriving all too quickly!

    Machman x
