September Q and A

Do you ever wear White lace top stockings?,

Not very often but only because I haven't seen any on sale for a while. I do like them. I assume you mean the ones that have a tan/black leg and a white lace welt.

a favourite of mine and is it
Possible to send some to you as a gift?

I'm a woman I never refuse gifts. ;)

When do you feel your sexiest?  What are you wearing when you do?

It varies to be honest and generally doesn't have much to do with what I am wearing. It's usually when I have been mentally stimulated. Though when I am getting ready to go on a date getting dressed up tends to make me feel sexy. wearing seams makes me feel sexy too without fail  

Between a garter belt and stockings or holdups, which are more comfortable to wear?

Actually they are both very comfortable I prefer the look of a suspender belt but hold ups are quick and convenient.

Please tell the group how you'd seduce a guy with your gorgeous, stocking-covered legs.

I believe that you can only seduce someone who wants to be seduced. if they are leg men then i attract attention to my legs by running my hands over them smoothing my stocking, indulge in a little shoe play and make sure each time I move my skirt rides a little higher.

Which are your favorite stockings to wear?

Without a doubt seams. I love how my legs look in seams and they make me feel super sexy.

Have you ever dated or been with a guy who has a fetish for stockings?

My ex husband had a a fetish and often wore then himself. my present lover is a leg man and adores my legs especially clad in in nylon I'm not sure he has a fetish more an appreciation of them.

Your fans like you in seams.  What do you think of them?

I adore seams and if they weren't so fragile and so expensive I think I would probably wear them all the time

Why don't more girls wear stockings these days?

Maybe because they have been so highly sexualised?  To be honest I don't know i have asked a few friends and there answers are never very full they tend to just say " too much hassle" or "they aren't comfortable". I have converted a few to hold ups though.

Has being feminine gone by the wayside?  So many girls wear pants these days.

And I for one hate it. Sexual equality doesn't have to mean losing ones femininity, I have no trouble being taken seriously dressed in a feminine fashion so that doesn't really wash. Laziness might also be a factor.

14 strapper, Can we have more videos of you putting on this wonderful garment ?

I don't see why not. I'll make sure to give it more outings in future

Have you ever tied anybody up with your old stockings and if so how

Oh yes. On more than one occasion too. :) have done so in many ways. Tied to a chair and teased unmercifully, tied to the bed legs akimbo and arms above the head, An old Victorian brass headboard in a hotel I once stayed a was an ideal location for tying a man up with my stockings.

 Do you spit or swallow ?

Ha ha, swallow mostly because I hate having to clean up the mess :)

 You tease & delight us with your fabulous everyday outfits, but what would be your most daring outfit to wear for a video?

Oh I don't know really. Something sheer? 

Q/ We have seen a few additions to the repertoire lately. Do you plan to do these little things, or are they spur of the moment?

No I never plan anything it just seems to happen and if y'all like it I try and remember to keep doing it.

What is the most surprising reaction you've had to a public flash?

Perhaps not surprising but this tickled me. I was standing at a bus stop on a very windy spring morning and my skirt was flying all over the place. Anyway I noticed this chap in a car at the traffic lights craning his neck to watch me. the lights changed and off he went, a few moments later there he was coming back along the road. He must have gone a few hundred yards then decided to come back for another look. along the road , round and past me for a third time this time he beeped the horn and me, grinned and gave me a thumbs up sign before continuing on his merry way.

Have you ever flashed anyone famous?

To be honest I'm not sure. I socialise in the west end where there are always local celebs and people from theatre and television milling around so probably a minor celeb has had a flash.

I would to ask, what would be Your ultimate fantasy?

Being whisked away in a helicopter to a remote island to play naked in a natural warn spring and make love under the trees

Also what would be Your ultimate exhibitionism fantasy?

Oh to be the star of a burlesque show and prance around in my underwear for the audience.

You also have stated in the Your past, You were a Mistress, what was Your favourite play thing to do?

I once wrapped a sub in cling film and left him in my garage while I went out shopping. I enjoyed that. i also enjoyed putting clothes peg all over another subs body.

What do you think about ribbon stripes on suspender tabs ?

I like them a lot they are very pretty and add another feminine dimension

Do they make sense as useful add-on or handsome decoration only ?

They make perfect sense to me as I'm allergic to base metal 

Do you wear slippers around the house, and if so what style/colour are they and have you ever worn them outside?

Yes I wear slippers around the house but no I would never wear them outside the house hey would be ruined. Actually there is a photo set of me in slippers somewhere either fotki or flickr. there are links to these sites here f you want to go find the photos.

Any aspirations / ambitions / fantasies that are on your "to-do" list? Is there a check list of things you'd like to do before you shuffle off your exquisite mortal coil?

No, no check list nothing like that at all. 

Do you have any male co-works at your office?


Do you tease and flash them or do you try to keep under the radar?

I keep very much under the radar, dignity at work policy and all that. We did have a finance manager who was a shoe fetishist and I would quite often dangle off his desk indulging in a little shoe play. 

How do they react having someone as sexy and classy as you around all day?

No reaction, seriously none at all I'm just accepted for who I am. I don't think they even notice me any more.

The crouch downs are obviously an evolutionary part of your blog’s “development”. Do you see yourself pushing yourself do take it that bit further? I mean, obviously there are lines that can’t be crossed and I do get that. That’s not what I am asking. I’d just like to know if you’re open to pushing things or do you just do things like the crouch down because you like doing it? Is there an element of, yes, this pushes the boundaries to what you do?

No I tend not to think about boundaries, I just do what feels right at the time.

do you have a webcam and yahoo if you do can I please add you ?

No I don't do those messenger thingies and I don't have a webcam

do you always wear pantys maybe a few vids without them ?

I always wear panties and no I would never do a video of me without

why not start the vids as you get out of bed so we can see everything nudity and bathroom time?

Because there are just some things a woman likes to keep private and her toilette is one of them

Do you get a proper fitting each time you buy new bras?

Depends on where I am buying from. If it is a  new place then yes I'll be fitted but if it is say M&S then no not every time. I will get measured about once a year though even if I buy underwear regular from the outlet as the bra sizing can change. I do however try every bra I buy on.

Many women buy right off the "rack" then head to the check out, never try the garment on. Yours fit so well!
Do you go to one fitter repeatedly

No and as I said above I would never dream of buying a bra I hadn't tried on. I also have bra's fitted when I'm pre menstrual as your boobs tend to get fuller at this time and your regular bras don't fit.

Re 'better late than never (13th Sept). 'Brown opaque stockings' from where please?

A car boot sale. The lady had a box of new stockings but those were the only ones in my size.
t looks like you keep trim regularly? What do you find is the best way? Razor, cream, waxing, or like my wife used to do, by making her own 'sugaring' mix.

I'm rather challenged in the pubic hair area, very little there to begin with so just a quick trim with the razor to keep it neat. I call it my little goatee.

Do you trim or shave your pubic hair or just leave it natural? If you do shave, how often do you do it?

I trim about once a week. No need for any more than this.

Mandi you have the most beautiful legs, i notice you dont often wear RHT stockings, do you not like them or just prefer ordinary/full seamed?

I'm as poor as a church mouse so mostly it is financial restraint.